So, where do we start? By starting. And how do we start? Well, chronologically is a good idea…
May 23
We took a little plane from Portland to Vancouver, B.C.
Wait, I can hear you saying, I thought you were going to Japan! Yes! We are! (Er…were. Wait…did.) But because we got the ticket with miles, there needed to be some finagling.
Originally we were supposed to fly out Sunday, May 24 (so Justin could have a full day at work on Saturday the 23rd), also Portland to Vancouver, and from Vancouver to Tokyo--but with only a short layover.
But when I called the airline in April to confirm everything (after booking these tickets in oh, October? September?), I was informed that the flight from Portland to Vancouver on Sundays was no longer available.
I was reminded of that When Harry Met Sally line about days of the week underpants:
“They don’t make Sunday.”
“Because of God.”
The idiot at the airline suggested I fly out on Monday the 25th. Uh, no. See, we’ve already paid for our hotels in Tokyo. Which start the night of the 25th. You figure it out, airline lady.
Long story lengthening, we flew out on Saturday evening the 23rd. It was the last flight of the day, and I was kind of paranoid they would cancel that flight too, and it would be “Honey! We’re gettin’ in the car and drivin’ for 6 hours!”
But they didn’t cancel.
Doc's ok, but Grumpy, Sleepy, and Dopey have another think coming.
...and we had a nice little jaunt up to Vancouver. The plane ride was nifty, because you fly low enough to see all the mountains (including St. Helens on the right side of the plane, and the coast on the left. We were on the left. I'm not complaining but next time I will sit on the right), where we got to hang out with our friends Kristin and Stevan, who have moved up there while Kristin goes to culinary school (and posts droolworthy pictures on Facbook while doing so).
They took us out to dinner, at a place that I now can’t remember the name of, but it was awesome. We walked a bit through Vancouver first—I really love this city. It’s like being in a real city (Portland is a big town, and I like Seattle just fine but I totally feel Vancouver more and would really like to explore more of B.C.).
The anti-jet lag program I was supposed to be following advised no alcohol, but that was kind of thrown out the window at dinner and then at the wine bar we went to following dinner. But hey, it’s vacation, and we’ll sleep on the plane, right? By the time we got back to our hotel it was…oh, past 2 a.m. and we were going to Stevan & Kristin’s in the morning to check out their ‘hood.
Which is beautiful, and not far from Olympic village (2012, bitches!), and the day was gorgeous upon gorgeous, warm clear and sunny; the last time (okay the only other time) we were in Vancouver, it was October and overcast, so it was really a pleasure to see the mountains in the distance, crisp and ridged over the city.
We had coffee and then moseyed over to Whole Foods to get something quick to eat before they drove us to the airport. Did I mention it was a clear fabulous day? In a way I didn't want to leave. Stevan took us on the scenic route, along the beaches and rambling, crazy big gated homes, until, sadly and both happily, we were at the airport ready to begin the next phase of our trip. Thank you, Stevan & Kristin!
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