Saturday, January 17, 2015

El Pescadero - Day 2

What did we do day 2? Pretty much fuck-all.

We had breakfast and then moseyed down to one of the beaches (the easier-accessed one) for a walk. Because who likes to sit still after eating?

Did I mention that one of the best things about where we stay is the emptiness of the beaches? Cabo this is not. This beach was really quite clean of debris, save the occasional decaying puffer fish washed up on the beach.

Justin taking off his socks & shoes for the beach. Thanks, honey.

Ain't no one. And that's how I like it.

It appears then we accidentally did some selfies that look like would-be extras on Lost who didn't make the cut!

Not sure why I tend to look like I'm sniffing Justin in photos. Maybe I am, actually. He smells good. I guess that's one reason we're still married...

Return journey. The squares on top of the rock is where we were staying. Those footprints are only ours. So cool.

After that we decided to drive into Pescadero. For we were to check out the Gringo Center of Baja: Baja Beans' Sunday market. Because who can resist a market? It was blinding white. Kind of like...Portland.

The coffee was pretty good, though.

We did not purchase this sombrero.

 Cool light fixture Justin noticed.

Cool old cooler (see what I did there?) Justin noticed. "I would totally buy that," he said. Me: "You're not here for work."

I'm posting this because I have a lot of photos of Justin from this angle. Humoring me. But he's cute.

After that we went back to the B&B and hung out by the pool and watched for whales all afternoon. Did I mention it was whale-watching season? And last year we saw a ton of them and also manta rays which go flap-flap-flap in the water so loudly you can hear them from super-far away. We didn't see as many this year.

I have some bikini pics but do you really want to see those? I took some because I thought about including those (part of it is to share that 40 IS NOT THAT BAD, in fact it's pretty goddamn fun) but now I feel like they're inappropriate.

They're not, like inappropriate photos but it's kind of weird to show them, no? Bikini selfies? On your travel blog that's really more of a repository for yourself of where you've been? I don't know. I'm on the fence. I'll leave this for now. I mean, employers might google me and stuff. So I'm probably leaning toward no.

Anyway! We ended the day with another sunset and some pina coladas. I'm not sure I like pina coladas. They kind of taste like suntan lotion. High-calorie suntan lotion. I'll just have the rum instead, thanks.

Oh, ho hum, another beautiful sunset...what else is there to do but continue to watch the shit out of that sunset...?

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